Sunday, May 8, 2011

In the beginning...

Let's start by getting caught up. We haven't had time until now to get this blog started. But in order to easily keep all of our family and friends updated on the progress of the house, I decided it was time to do it. Because procrastination is my middle name (right Dad?), and if I waited any longer, many of you would have already slept in the guest room.

We broke ground at the end of March.

As you may or may not know, we had to build a daylight basement because our land is so sloping. It's about a 10-degree slope. Here's the view we'll have from what would be considered the back of the house.

So the back of the house faces the road (to the south), and the front of the house faces the hillside. This will be the view out the great room windows. Here's a view pic that was taken on a clear day.

Next came the footings (view to the east). This happened around the middle of April. It's weird because I know how big the house is, but when I was walking around this, it seemed small.

Then the forms:

While I was in Seattle for a conference, the rest of the foundation was poured! I had to wait 5 whole days before I got to see it. It was a tough wait.

Just a couple more pictures for today. By last weekend, the basement floor was poured and the rough plumbing was in. The concrete is wet because it was pretty windy and the concrete guy didn't want it drying too quickly and cracking.

Last week some of the lumber was delivered...

...and the basement walls started going up! I'll get some better pictures of the walls for my next post. It was getting dark the last couple times we were there, so not perfect for pictures.

That's it for now. I wish all the moms out there a Happy Mother's Day!!

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