Monday, May 9, 2011

Basement framing: check.

The entire basement is completely framed now. Doesn't it look like a mouse maze?

Our builder and his framer were still there when we got there this evening. He said the floor joists will arrive tomorrow! The framing for the main floor will go more quickly than the basement because they won't have to cut each stud individually.

We had to go to the PUD to pay for the transformer that we'll share with Dave and Cheri next door. While we're waiting for that, we had to go apply for temporary electrical service. Thank goodness Brett understands all of that stuff...I wouldn't have been able to answer any of the questions. Well maybe the name and address part.

Craig, our excavator, has done an excellent job. From the road, the driveway used to dip down then go up the hill. He took a lot of the dirt from the top of the driveway where it comes up to the garage and moved it down to make the lower driveway more level. It is beautiful! Every time we drive on it, we comment on how awesome it is.

Here's another place he had to move dirt to (never end a sentence with a preposition?). This wall of concrete was previously bare on both sides. We want to be able to put as much grass on the east side of the house as we can. Plus there's a door that goes out that side of the house. I think we're going to end up with at least 4 tiers to the property when all is said and done.

Craig's next project is the septic system. He brought out three loads of small river rock today so he can start working on the drain field.

The progress is moving right along. Maybe I should make one of those paper chains we used to make at Christmas in elementary school so I can keep track of the days until we move in. Of course, I'm sure that's a moving target.

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