Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Big Changes...but gone I was sitting down to move pictures over from my camera to my external hard drive, I accidentally deleted a lot of my most-recent pictures of the progress of the house! So frustrating! This is something you never think will happen to you. And then when it does, you think "how could I have done that."
Now that I've just spent the last two hours trying unsuccessfully to recover them, it's too late to post anything. So just to keep your interest piqued, here's a list of what I would have talked about:
  1. Electrical rough in is complete.
  2. Exterior doors have been hung.
  3. The innards of the fireplace is in.
  4. A lot of the siding has been installed.
  5. All of the drywall is up. Taping and texturing going on now.
So tomorrow evening, I'll go through the pictures that I still have and do some posting!

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