Thursday, August 18, 2011

So many changes...

I got my camera back the other day from a place in town that fixes computers. Unfortunately they were unable to recover the photos I deleted. Bummer! So I'll try to catch you up to all the changes that have been made...and there have been a LOT!

Oh my goodness, I just took a look back at my previous posts to see what I've shown you. Wow! There are so many things to update you on. Here goes!

All the windows have been installed. I love them! The color of the vinyl is a nice deep color and will blend well with all of the earth tones we've chosen.

Exterior doors have also been installed. I was able to get the internal blinds in the doors that we got windows on...and stayed on budget! That's a huge accomplishment. If you've never seen the internal blinds before, there are two levers, one that opens and closes the blinds and one that lifts and lowers them.

The siding has been completed and most of it is painted. But since I didn't have my camera for awhile, I don't have any pictures. I'll take some this weekend. Choosing colors is difficult because I'm afraid of buyer's remorse. I guess I have a hard time making a commitment. It costs a lot to paint a house, and what if they paint it and I don't like it? I finally decided to go with the same colors as some condos near where we live now. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Plus it enable me to see it in a big way before I commit.

Now for the interior...the interior has the big changes. You'll have to forgive some of the pictures, I only had my cell phone camera.

Where should we start? The drywall is up, taped, textured and painted. This color was hard for me too. I'm still not sure if I'm 100% on it. But oh well, it's done now so I'm stuck with it. It's about 2 shades darker than the color we painted up at our last house. I was a little worried it might be too dark, but since there are a lot of wide open spaces, I figured it could handle it. Hm, don't seem to have a picture of the color. I'll add that to my list. It's pretty close to the window vinyl color.

The corners are interesting. Instead of the square or rounded corners, we decided to go with the 45-degree corners. It's awesome!

Ugh! That's not a very good pic. The texturing hasn't been done. By the way, the guy who does the drywall is excellent at his job. In the garage it's just taped and painted, and you can't see any seems. Amazing!

Brian the Builder has done the installation of all of the ceramic tiles. He's done an excellent job of course. Here's the shower in the master bedroom.

He still has to grout, which I think he's avoiding. I don't blame him. How do you like the HUGE shelves in the shower? I love 'em. Guys just don't understand why a gal needs more than one shampoo. But these should be able to hold every bottle that I could ever want in there.

We decided to acid stain the basement floor rather than carpeting it. And we decided to do it ourselves. Brett's good at home improvement projects, and I'm a good helper. It would have been a lot easier had we stained it earlier in the building process, but it turned out great. Plus things were happening so fast!

A little blurry, but you can get the general idea. We did add a shiny sealant over it, and that made it look quite a bit darker than this picture. But the shine is great! (Adding shiny basement floor to my picture list.)

The hardwood floor has been installed. We chose hickory for a couple of reasons: we like the look of the contrasting colors and all of the knots, and it's very durable.

The installer is a true artist! When we get closer to moving in, Jason will come back and do another sanding and a final topcoat.

Tuesday the cabinets were delivered. Woot woot! Brian started unpacking them almost right away (I think to avoid the grout!).

They don't look like much right now, but from what I understand he spent all of yesterday moving them to their appropriate places and installing quite a few in the kitchen. I can't wait to see them tonight!